"Guess I'm a little tired, but after a bit of Christmas 'spirits, I'll probably brighten up,". Charlie replied.

"I'm sure you will, dear. Are you going to be with your family tonight?"

"No, we'll all be getting together tomorrow. I'm expecting some friends later this evening," Charlie answered.

"That's good.

I think Christmas is especially the time when all our loved ones should be together. Is Sue there?"

"No, she hasn't come home from work yet."

"Our plans have been somewhat changed. Nancy and her husband won't be able to make it tonight. "0h?"

"Jim is having trouble and he insists it will be too late by the time he gets the car fixed to bring the children. Even on Christmas Eve, he doesn't believe in relaxing the children's bedtime. "Gee, that's too bad, Mrs. Geary. They're going、 ! to Jim's folks tomorrow, aren't they?"

"Yes, but Nancy promised they'd come here for breakfast in the morning and it will really be Christmas as usual at the Geary's but tonight, though, since the kids aren't coming, we thought we'd accept the Newmans' invitation. That is, if it is all right with Sue. I'm not sure if she'd like to go." "Why don't you go ahead, Mrs. Geary, and let Sue stay here and help me entertain tonight? Really I need some help. And I'll see to it that she gets over there whatever time you say in the morning." "If Sue would like to, Charlotte. Whatever she wants to do is fine. Have her call me when she gets home."


"Will do. And Merry Christmas!" Charlie shouted into the phone.
